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Chauntell Dietrich
aka Enchaunti Waroway

  • Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist

  • Founder of Earth in Sky - Therapeutic Animism

  • Ordained Animist Minister

  • Animist Practitioner

Experience,Training, Education

McMaster University

  • Bachelors of Social Work

  • Bachelors of Sociology

Mohawk College

  • Child and Youth Work

A long list of some of the workshops/trainings I've attended:

Domestic Violence, Mental Health and Substance Use, Motivational Interviewing, Harm Reduction Training, Worry Dragons Seminar, Self-Harm Seminar, Positive Space Training, Child Life Symposium, Cultural Sensitivity Training with Six Nations, Mindfulness and Self-Care Training, Understanding and Managing Aggressive Behaviour Training, Anti-Oppressive and Anti-Racism Training , Trauma Informed Care Training. Dr. Gabor Maté Conference: Attachment, ADHD, and Addictions, True Colours and Love Languages Training,  Working With Individuals that Self-Harm Workshop, Palliative Care: Learning Session - Elder Abuse Learning Session, Youth Suicide Prevention training



Introductions typically begin with sharing a first name that was chosen for us by our parents and a last name passed down by our ancestors.


Our name symbolizes our attachment to those who came before us.

My given birth name is Chauntell Dietrich.

I have taken the name Enchaunti Waroway to symbolically represent my re-birth into the woman I choose to be. I also like to be called Chaunti!


Meaning of Enchaunti Waroway


A bit Personal...

I've been in the role of supporting others my whole life, shaped by a family history deeply marked by ancient traumas. These inherited wounds—manifesting as anger, alcoholism, depression, disconnection, and abuse—have profoundly influenced my family's dynamics. Growing up in an environment shaped by such pain, I experienced insecurity and developed behaviors and thought patterns that echoed the unresolved hurts of those who raised me. At 16, I encountered what is clinically termed a depressive episode.


Seeking relief, I turned to counselling and medication, but found myself frustrated by the lack of transformation in my life. At 17, I embarked on a personal exploration into the nature of depression and the pursuit of happiness, which has become a lifelong journey of discovery. Through this I leaned about wholistic wellness and spirituality as ways to connect back to myself. More accurately, I have learned how to uncover the self that has always been there. Since then I have been gathering tools, insights and wisdom to support myself in living my life feeling alive and healthy.


I'm deeply grateful for these experiences, as they have equipped me to share the insights I've gained on my healing path with others.


I continue to learn and grow through all of my experiences and my journey with myself is ever unfolding. I have learned how to love myself in ways that I only dreamed could be possible. Everything we desire starts with a dream. I'm so grateful for this life that at one point I wanted out from. I love being alive and sharing what I've learned to help others on their quest to love and wholeness.​

And on to the Professional

I began my “professional” career working with children struggling with behavioural challenges before and after my education as a Child and Youth Worker. I worked at an outdoor day camp for 9 summers and at an after school program for 5 years. Working with these children taught me so much about humans, the impact of trauma and the need for play, community, energy and nature in the healing process. 


Both Social Work placements I had were in adult mental health with people that had been diagnosed with severe mental health challenges. One placement was in a hospital setting and the other was in the community.

These experiences showed me the challenges with how mental “illness” is currently managed in the main stream mental health realm. It’s clear that we have a long way to go when it comes to understanding trauma and how to support people through the impact of these experiences. It is my continued intention to explore these issues from a variety of angles to best meet my client’s needs on their journey. 


I also studied Sociology in University and took many religion classes. Studying religions and spiritual texts from all different backgrounds is a continued interest I have that helps me deepen my understandings of this reality. 


After graduating university I worked at a shelter supporting women and children that had been exposed to domestic violence. In this role I offered counselling and education around anti-violence, healthy relationships, non-violent communication, self-esteem, anger and emotions. 


I spent 4 years I deepening my own knowledge through a variety of trainings and programs related to animism and energy work. I graduated from an Animism Ministry program and am now an ordained Animist Minister.


In my personal life, I have found deep benefits from connecting with spirituality, holistic healing tools as well as connecting with mythology and sacred stories. These experiences eventually encouraged me to open my own private practice. I used to have an office at The Hamilton Centre for Personal Development and recently let it go so that I can be more mobile allowing for travelling, meeting with people outside and in my home. ​ I've spent the last 7 years offering private counselling - Therapeutic Animism - which is an ever evolving experience. I've learned so much from the amazing humans I get to support with and whose stories I get to hear. 


Being a Social Worker, evidence based practice is important. As science evolves and we continue to learn about the true origins of human history, I believe that including spiritual practices in mental health services is integral for holistic healing.


I am constantly learning, growing and evolving with this ever changing world. I'm passionate about mental wellness and the wellness of this planet as a whole. I believe that holistic wellness comes from honouring and connecting with planet earth, our deep wisdom and the universe as we were naturally intended to prior to colonization and industrialization. We can learn so much from our past and from nature. 

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What does Enchaunti Waroway mean?


Enchaunti is a combination of 3 words:

Enchanted  To bestow magic onto or to delight.
I have grown up believing in magic and it has become a big part of how I have found joy in my life.
The magic in our world right now looks different than the magic in a fantasy stories but it's still here! Magic an spirit exists all around us and it can bring miracles into our lives when we connect with it,   

We have the ability to make amazing transformation happen and we are starting to wake up to knowing that magic is not fake or evil. Magic is about creating the world we want and using our energy to make it happen.

If we believe in it, it will show itself to us and we can connect with it to create an exuberant life!

Shanti Sanskrit word meaning inner peace, tranquility, bliss.
When we have a connection and trust in ourselves as well as in source/the universe/god/the force, we develop this shanti energy. This is another part of yourself that I want you to discover as a constant companion. You can be at peace while the world hustles and bustles around you and you can get control over your life rather than being tossed around by the energy of other people. May Shanti energy find you well. 


Chauntell Name given to me by my mother.
My mom is a magical woman and has been an amazing teacher and support to me. People often spell my name wrong because she spelled it uniquely! It has never bothered me because it reminds me of my uniqueness and the importance to walk my own path in life. The origin of this name also means singer in french. When we sing we are in the flow and connected with the universe. Everything is made up of vibrational frequencies which means we are all one energy field. When we recognize and connect to our oneness with all, we feel fully alive. 


Waroway is my grandparent's last name (my mom's parents)
My grandfather was a main caregive to me while my mom worked when I was a child. He played an integral role in my upbringing. I learned from his wisdom and the fables from around the world that he would read me as bed time stories. In so many ways, I wouldn't be me without him. This name also honours my Ukrainian ancestral roots. 

Enchaunti Waroway

"Our task is to live our life in such a way that the soul’s purpose is served by everything we do. This means recognizing the sacred in everyday life and respecting the life and soul in the world around us."


- Thomas Moore

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