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combining social work, psychotherapy and animism 

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The word Animism derives from the latin root Anima, meaning breath, spirit and life.  I'll be a guide and ally to connect you to your inner wisdom on your Wellness and Spiritual Journey.

My name is Chauntell Dietrich, also known as Enchaunti Waroway.

I'm a registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist and Animist Practitioner.

I appreciate how hard it can be to open up to the ideas of getting support. Thank you for taking the time to explore what's possible for you. You deserve to live a life you love.


You are the expert and I act as an ally and a guide on your journey to your own inner knowing⁣. I'll support you in accessing tools for you to explore and process your inner and outer world to create harmony in your life⁣.



Disconnection into Connection

People Pleasing into Authenticity

Fear into Empowerment 

Resistance into Acceptance 

Judgement into Gratitude 

Cautiousness into Consciousness

Repression into Expression 

Anger into Creativity 


“It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed”

― Thomas Moore
Original Self: Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life

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