Written May 20, 2020
Wanted out
More times than I can count
Been down the self blame road game
Tread worn down to the frame
Reality shifted
Lifted from the depths
Ascended golden steps
Blessed by the heavenly realm
Prayers sent, addressed and dated
New path illuminated
Shoes off, feet on ground
Cliché of once lost then found
Support from earth,
Guidance from above
Mycelium Sage, Guru of the land
Reaching out a metaphysical hand
Dissolving, melting
A magical soup of eternity
Deep truth, Truer than true
Blending the boundaries between me and you
Experiences untranslatable
Unique yet so relatable
Peering through the veil
Hail the psilocybin God
Friend and counsellor to the lost humans
Back in the game
A new frame
A new lens
Rainbow rain,
Shower for the brain
Awaken the sleeping giant
That I live within
Giant Woman, Soul Woman
Let our Truman Go!
And hey!
If I don’t see you later,
Know I’m always here
Until we get to the end of the line
Tracks disappear
Holographic illusions
Pesky thought intrusions
Off the rails
Into the unknown
This story is my own
Alliance with all parts
Hearts know the way
I’m deep in it now…
Now, be here.